Saturday, November 12, 2011

Let the Juices Flow!

So, my characters or at least their personalities, attitudes and experiences develop in the car as I am driving to and from work and hear their songs... funny thing is one album really spoke to me.  This is what I have so far close your eyes or watch and enjoy!


And the quintessential song for what it feels like to experience teenage angst and that love like stuff!  

Time to let the juices flow only about 44,000 more left to type!  grrr life and responsibilities!

oh and thanks to Florence, Justin & Jason for a creative jump start I think this may be the makings of a beautiful friendship.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 1 Goal Met!

Woohoo!  It is official I met the daily word goal!  Mowgli is keeping the other couch cushion warm, Betty is cuddled in the kitty boat and my husband is asleep with Vivian keeping his feet warm! I can see a pattern developing.
Word Count: 1705, only 48295 to go!

Good night all,

Monday, October 31, 2011

New Beginnings

and high adventures!  So, here is to new endeavors.  First journey a blog, second journey a novel in 30 days!  What am I thinking?!?  Check out my creative ramblings here and my progress with 30 days and nights of literary abandon. It should be fun if I don't make myself any crazier than I already am!  So, jump on board because an adventure is always more fun when others come along!